Thursday, March 17, 2005

Now for Sami’s Ramblings about Jesus:

Over the weekend several Wesley Foundation students and I participated in a DiscipleNow weekend in Elkton, KY. This incredible event was hosted for the youth of Elkton by Petrie Memorial United Methodist Church. My good friend Kris Weathers is the youth pastor there. She, along with some very loving and dedicated folks, put together an amazing time for youth to come to a deeper understanding of what it means to belong to Jesus Christ. I literally saw lives transformed before my eyes. It was such a beautiful testimony and witness to the power of God set free in a community, a church, and especially young lives. Before the weekend was over 7 youth had come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior for the first time. Nineteen other had publicly rededicated their lives. I have to say, as I stood in the middle of Petrie’s sanctuary Saturday night for the commitment service, I stood amazed as I saw the Holy Spirit move like I had never seen. So many people flooded the altar that there wasn’t enough room. We finally began praying with people in the pews. All I can say is “God is so amazing!”

All of this is to say—if you have just about given up on God, hang in there. He is so present, so loving, so crazy about you. I went to this weekend to serve, and God even sent someone to minister specifically to me. God never leaves us. We may feel so all alone, we may feel like our prayers never make it to where God is, but somewhere, right now, God is working through someone to bring about an amazing thing in your life. I know how easily it can be to give up. Especially when the things you have prayed for, hoped for, longed for seem so long in coming. Just know, you are so IN God’s heart. God has a special place in His heart that remembers your name each and every moment. Just because His time frame is so different from ours does not mean He has given up on you. He hasn’t given up on You; don’t give up on Him. And if you need a message of hope tonight, come and join us for our program this evening at the Wesley Foundation at 6:30pm. God gave me a “fly-by” just for you. (You know, one of those thoughts that you have that you are certain didn’t originate with you.) You are so precious to Him. If you forget easily, print off this e-mail and read it often.

Hey! You’re special!

Jesus loves you and so do I,


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