Friday, April 15, 2005

A Little Something to Encourage You

I want to write a prayer for you today, a little something to encourage you as you finish the semester:

Dear Father,

I come before You in the precious name of Jesus. He is so wonderful and so sweet. And He is so beautiful as I see Him reflected in the faces of each of the students you have placed in my care. I praise You and thank You for them now, and I ask that You bless them mightily in the face of deep stresses that always come at the close of another year.

Lord please bless each one of them with confidence. You have placed so many good things in them: gifts and strengths that shine brilliantly. But Lord, when we are stressed out and feel overburdened, it is hard to appreciate, and sometimes even see, the good things about our selves. I pray that You would put someone in their paths that will just encourage them and show them how wonderful they are.

Lord give them Your peace. While so many things are making huge demands upon their time, their energy, their resources, their hearts, please give them the peace that passes understanding. Lord when You are in our lives we can have that kind of peace, even though to the natural mind there should be no earthly reason to feel peaceful. Give them Your peace that permeates all things, yet is not dependent upon circumstances.

Lord give them Your presence. Sometimes college can feel so lonely. Lord, it breaks my heart whenever I hear of the loneliness these students face. Lord, You came to live within us that we might never have to be swallowed up by loneliness again. I pray that the joy and peace of Your presence would be a reality for every person who reads this prayer.

Lord, give them Your joy. Fill their days with small treasures that surprise them with happy moments. Open their awareness to the wonders of Your creation (especially dogwoods and redbuds). In the midst of the business give them moments of laughter and good clean fun. Help them to not be overwhelmed by impending deadlines. Help them to not be paralyzed by the “got to’s.”

Lord, if I missed anything, please cover it. KEEP THEM SAFE!!!!! Please provide for their needs and love on them real good.

In Jesus name I pray,


Jesus loves you and so do I!


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