Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Thankful for God's Faithfulness--Wesley Foundation Weekly E-letter

Dear Friends,


Hope all is well with each of you.  The semester is so quickly winding down.  Hope all of your finals are going well.  Almost done!


This Friday we are meeting at Shogun on Scottsville Rd. at 5:30pm for dinner.  Join us as we celebrate the close of another wonderful year.


Also remember we are having our College Campus Youth Weekend May 20-21.  It will be an awesome experience for all of our Methodist Youth groups to check out the college scene.  Let me know if you are interested in attending or helping.


Now for Sami’s Ramblings About Jesus:


In case you haven’t heard the news, Tim and I are expecting a new addition to our family.  I am due December 11th.  It is an exciting time for us, but these last few weeks have come with a few challenges.  If you’ve spent any time around me at all, you’ve noticed I eat like a horse, am queasy every other day, and need a rest break half-way down to DUC.  I’ve had to learn the hard way that it is always best to have a full stomach before I go food shopping for the Wesley Foundation.  If I’m hungry and in a grocery store, I’ll buy everything in sight, and not necessarily stuff others want to eat.  What a hoot.


As I ponder the mystery of early pregnancy chaos, I am so thankful for the way God has so wonderfully surrounded me with supportive and loving people who have a great sense of humor.  And it also makes me ponder the mystery of this incredible year we’ve spent together.  God’s provision has been so good, certainly now, but also all year long.


Thank you to the students who have made this year awesome.  I am so humbled and grateful to know you.  When I was too stubborn to ask for help, you all came to me and said, “Sami, God wants you to let us help you.”  When I asked you to think about ministry and the purpose of the Wesley Foundation in a different way, you did so with glad hearts.  When you were so exhausted you could have slept for days, instead you rolled your sleeves up, put your work shoes on and helped clean up and clean out our buildings.  You have servant hearts.  You pray at all times and in all ways.  You worship with fullness of joy.  You love with Christ’s love.  You truly are here for a Godly purpose.  I love you.


Thank you to the alumni who have supported this ministry in ways that have made us so much better.  It is as if you stepped out of our cloud of witnesses to actually run the race with us.  Instead of simply cheering us on, you have given of your resources, your time, your energy, your input, your efforts, and your prayers.  It is an honor to stand on the shoulders, your shoulders, of those who have gone before.  You will never know how much joy filled my heart seeing our alumni work side by side with our current students on our first annual work day.  It was a true testimony of the longevity of God’s blessing on this place.


Thank you to the churches who have welcomed us into their hearts as we shared the message of what God is doing through us this year.  It has been a delight to know we are embraced and encompassed by a Church family that loves us. 


Thank you to the prayer warriors who have fought the spiritual battles of the Wesley Foundation on their knees.  Because of your willingness to undergird us this year, our feet did not slip as we walked a new path.  Your faithful praying has been the well-spring of God’s blessing for us.  Thank you for answering those desperate e-mails and phone calls with humor and assurance.  Your faith has strengthened my own.


Thank you for the friends of this ministry who have been such an encouragement and have brought so much joy to our ministry.  Lunch-times at DUC, hanging out in the student activities office, and mid-afternoon chats at the residence life office in Southwest have made my walks up and down the Hill so much fun.  Thank you for just being there and being a friendly face.  Your simple presence means so much to us.


Finally, I want to thank Jesus for this school year.  At this point I just feel like I need to be on face in worship.  He is truly the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.  He is truly our redeemer, our savior, our shepherd, our bread of life, our living water, our deepest, truest, most faithful friend.  How you have blessed us Jesus.  You are all in all, and all of these other blessings really originated in You.  Thank You for who You are, and who You are creating us to be.


As this school year draws to an end, take time to celebrate it.  Take time to be thankful.  You have made it through another school year.  And God has been so faithful.  Hallelujah!





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