Friday, August 11, 2006

Help us welcome students back to school--

Dear Friends,


We have our back to school activities all lined up, and there are a couple where we could use some volunteers to really make an impact on new and returning students.



The first is a cookout on Tuesday, 5pm, August 22, 2006:


We will meet on South Lawn and cookout free hotdogs and hamburgers and sponsor fun/silly games.  It would be great to have churches, Board members, alumni, and returning students to donate food and drinks, volunteer to bring grills to cook the food, and help us with games.  This is a huge opportunity to really let freshmen know we love them and want to serve them since this is during Master Plan week.  This is definitely a family friendly event.


The second big event where we could really use help welcoming students is on Tuesday, 6pm, August 29, 2006:


We will be having our opening worship at DUC.  I would love to have representatives from all of our local churches present to help us welcome all of our students to campus, as well as to invite them to get involved in our local church bodies in addition to  our campus ministry.  We could use volunteers to be greeters and bring light refreshments such as drinks and cookies.


Attached is the flier that will be given to new and returning students outlining our opening week activities.  You are welcome to attend all of them.


Please e-mail me or call me if you are able to attend:




Thanks ahead of time for helping us share God’s love in awesome ways!



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