Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Weekly E-Letter, Wesley Foundation, Methodist Student Ministry

Dear Friends,


I just got back from lunch with a dear friend of mine.  She is one of those people who helps me connect to the world beyond myself.  I hope that each of you have safe places in your life that help to transport you beyond the immediate here and now.  I always find I am refreshed and ready to step back into my day to day life afterwards.  Praise God for that!


Here is what’s going on this week:


Worship Tonight:  Soul Feast!


We are doing something a little different tonight for worship.  Last week we looked at what it means to take the love of Jesus beyond our own four walls.  This week we are going to do that—literally!  We are going to prayer walk campus.  Meet in front of Fresh Food Company at 6:30pm.  From there we will go two by two to pray for campus.  It should be awesome!



Thursday’s Free Meal and Bible Study:  Solid Rock Café!


We will be finishing up our movie series on the Lawn this Thursday.  We will begin at 6:30pm with dinner at the Wesley Foundation.  Then we will have a program that focuses on the God’s challenge to us to appreciate and celebrate diversity.  The title of our discussion is “What Color Is Your Rainbow.”  We will follow this with a showing of the movie “Glory Road” on the South Lawn at DUC (8:30pm).  So bring lots of blankets and warm clothes and join us for a challenging and worthwhile evening.


Now for Sami’s Ramblings About Jesus:


This past Sunday I was blessed with the opportunity to bring the message at Broadway UMC.  It was so awesome to see how a word of encouragement that God had laid on my heart met with what God was doing in lives of folks that I had not met yet.  I love that about the way God works.  He knows what needs are there, and uses ordinary people of faith to meet them, working in such a way that only He can take the credit.  It reminds me of something that someone in Gulf Port, Mississippi said to our group who went to do Hurricane Relief last Spring:  All we have to be is available; God does the rest.


We might think that leadership changes the world, or courage, or intelligence, or super-human strength, or money, or influence, or ___________________.  But really, the thing that really, really changes the world is the gift of our available-ness, to God.  What if our concept of being “available” was no longer associated with whether or not we were in the market for a love relationship and instead was related to how available we are to the Living God?  What if the conversations surrounding availability went something like:  “She’s totally available.  Wonder how long it will be before her life becomes an incredible adventure?  You know God doesn’t waste any time.  Give Him and inch of availability and He turns it into a mile.  Did you see how that guy really made himself available?  Look at him now!  It’s like he’s a totally different person.  God has totally transformed everything in his life, and he is, I don’t know, radically on fire for this new thing God started!  It’s like he could change the world or something!”  Could you imagine how the world we live in would be a different place?  How things would change if people, just believers even, were to radically release their own agendas and came to God as if their lives were a blank check that He could fill out any way He wanted?  Wow!  The implications stagger me!


Of course this comes from someone who struggles with availability everyday.  Especially when I think I know what God has in mind, but I get so intent on doing whatever “it” is that I forget to fellowship with HIM.  I do get glimpses though.  Of when God does something really cool, and I get to be a part of it.  Like when a message that was on my heart to give connects with a life, that I had no way of knowing would bring a positive impact the way it did.  Only God could know that.  Only God could connect dots that I can’t even see.


So be encouraged.  Know that He is connecting dots in your life too.  And live with me the challenge of being available.  Maybe together the sum of our availability will be greater than our individual parts.  And we will see God’s glory in a way we never imagined.






Sami Wilson

Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation





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