Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Courageously Play!--Wesley Foundation E-Letter (Methodist Campus Ministry)

Dear Friends,

Fall break is almost here! Yeah! I'm looking forward to time away with my family.
May each of you get some much needed rest and a chance to renew your energies.

We have some cool things coming up.

FALL RETREAT—This will be October 19-21. The cost is only $50. I need to know by
Thursday October 11th if you plan on attending. $25 is due then. If money is an
issue let me know. I want everyone who wants to go to be able to.

NEXT TUESDAY—we will have a cookout at the Wesley Foundation from 4:30pm till 6:30pm.
Mel Wilhelm, the youth minister from Covenant UMC in LaGrange, is coming up to visit
and bringing food. No program, no catch, just dinner. So come by and enjoy some good
times and good free food.

NEXT THURSDAY—Broadway UMC is providing music for us, for a really awesome time of
worship. This is a time to leave the worries of school, family, friends, etc. behind
as we focus totally on Jesus and praise Him. Of course we will eat first at 6:30pm.

Now For Sami's Ramblings About Jesus:

As we look forward to a Fall Break that begins soon, go forward into that lazy time of
rest and re-creation. It's okay to have fun. God designed you for joy. So take time
to revel in it during this break. Be courageous in resting, really resting.

Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is take a nap. Don't waste this precious
time doing "important" things. Allow yourself the luxury of loafing. Honestly, this
is part of our best spiritual practices. It is called Sabbath. If you are like me,
it is all too tempting to squander such times catching up. Instead of truly allowing
the body, mind, and spirit to rejuvinate and restore lost resources, we push ourselves
demanding more than we were made for. And then when circumstances and life culminate
in such a way that they absolutely do demand more of us, we have nothing left to give
because we gave our best away to the non-essentials, never giving the best of
ourselves time to be recharged and re-invigorated.

So bravely go into this time of Break, and Break away from the temptation to turn it
into just another long weekend. Instead, be a good steward of the self God has given
you and rest. You just might be surprised just how much more you get done when you
get back!



Rev. Sami Wilson
Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation
1355 College St.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 842-2880

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