Wednesday, December 05, 2007

You are held in Love--WEsley Foundation E-letter (Methodist Student Center)

Dear Friends,


It’s almost here!  Our party is tomorrow night!  I’m so excited—can you tell? J  Please invite everyone you know and think would like a warm meal, a touching candlelight service, and a totally fun gift exchange.  Just bring a $10 unisex gift.  And whether you can bring a gift to exchange or not, just come and be with us; no one will leave empty handed because I have gifts for everyone.  (Just let me know you are coming so I can get more if I need to.)  This is just my way of saying you are special to me, and I am so glad you are in my life.


Next week we will have free lunches to help alleviate the Exam week stress.  We will eat lunch together on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 11am till 1pm.  Just come when you can, and bring friends.  There’s always plenty to go around.


Also next week we will be doing some cool “let’s love on campus” projects.  We will give away hot chocolate and popcorn.  It will be so much fun.


Now for Sami’s Ramblings About Jesus:


I just want to say to you, you are held in Hands of Love.  This is the time of year when it is so easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed.  It is the time of year that is supposed to be filled with joy, and instead is often filled with dread and an overwhelming sense of oppression and depression.  Hear me when I say, you are held in Love.  Love holds you.  Love knows your name.  Love speaks your name with tenderness and warmth, and Love has given everything so that you will know, taste and see the goodness that comes with being loved.  The name of Love is Jesus.  He is with you.  He never leaves you.  He walks with you, and when you cannot walk, He carries you.  He holds you and consoles you.  And when His suffering, death and resurrection are too much for you, He comes to you as an infant, as vulnerable and safe as the cooing of a baby’s contentedness swaddled in a warm embrace.  You are His.  You belong to Him and nothing eradicates that belonging.  It is etched into His very being, because He gives Himself generously, pouring Himself out into your deepest need.  You might be able to out-need the resources of human beings, but you can never out-need Him.  He is able to speak life into every lost part of your life, every dead part of your heart, every scared part of your soul.  You are irrevocable His.  And His name is Love.  And Love holds you.  Never give up, unless it is in giving yourself into His mighty, loving Hands.






Sami Wilson

Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation

United Methodist Campus Ministry



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