Tuesday, March 25, 2008

WKU Wesley Foundation Leadership Scholarship for New and Returning Students

Dear Friends,


I am happy to share that the Board of Directors recently voted to establish the WKU Wesley Foundation Leadership Scholarship Fund through the College Heights Foundation.  The scholarship will be administered by WKU’s College Heights Foundation, and recipients will be chosen by the scholarship committee which is made up of the Wesley Foundation’s Board of Directors. 


This scholarship is designed for students who are intent on developing their character and skills as a Christian leader through the ministry of the WKU Wesley Foundation while in school.  Selected recipients will be awarded $500 through a Wesley Foundation donor.  The student’s home church will be invited to match that amount bringing the total to $1000 a year, for a total of four years.  The awards are renewable, but recipients must reapply.  The application deadline is April 15th.  To apply candidates must:


  • Have a high school GPA of 3.2 or college GPA of 3.0


  • Complete WKU’s scholarship application at www.wku.edu/finaid/faforms.htm (or see attachments), and send it in to the College Heights Foundation by April 15th, labeled WKU Wesley Foundation Leadership Scholarship at the top


  • Write a one page essay describing how he or she envisions themselves contributing to the leadership of the Wesley Foundation’s campus ministry.


  • Include a letter of reference from a clergy person, youth minister, or Sunday School teacher explaining why he or she believes the applicant will be an asset to the leadership of the Wesley Foundation’s campus ministry.


Essays and reference letters may be sent to the WKU Wesley Foundation at 1355 College St., Bowling Green, KY, 42101.  For more information please contact Rev. Sami Wilson at 270-842-2880, or through e-mail at sami.wilson@wku.edu.




Sami Wilson

Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation

United Methodist Campus Ministry






Sami Wilson

Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation

United Methodist Campus Ministry




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