Monday, July 16, 2012


It's that time again!  VBS--yeah!  If you are not familiar with those initials, it is Vacation Bible School.  It's one of those things that is so big, so involved, that I dread it until it gets here; and then once I'm in the middle of it, steeped in the middle of the energy of it, I'm like YEAH! VBS ROCKS!!!  I can't lie.  I do love it.

I love the singing.  I love the dancing.  I love the silliness.  I love how God comes alive in the imagination of a sea of children who experience His BIGNESS in the middle of a whole bunch of fun.  I think this is what church should be like all the time.  But the thing that gets me is how God always times it with a message that goes straight to my heart.

Take for instance this year's theme:  Zapped.  It's all about how "God wants to do something with me that's bigger than just me." 

It's crazy to me how the circumstances of my life intersect with a children's VBS message that nails my great need on the head.  I'm at a crossroads.  I need to know that my life still has significance.  I need to know that God still has plans for me.  And then I show up for VBS.

It's not really crazy at all; it's the Holy Spirit. 

I am always amazed at how God aligns everything with such timing, to get all the people who need the Word in the right place at the right time for the right thing.  And we scratch our heads and wonder who's been peaking into our private thoughts--that the answer to our delimnas are plastered in the song that our kids are jumping and dancing and singing out loud with all their might?  Who can do that but God?

The thing that stuns me even more than this, is that when God sends forth His Word it is not just a singular word, even though it feels deeply personal.  There are many who hear it at the same time and know it was Spoken just for them.  Only God can do this.  I've heard it said that in God's economy nothing is wasted.  But it's also true that in God's economy everything is SUPER-SIZED!

And so I am spending my week getting Zapped!  Yay!

I praise God for Zapped--
I praise God for the opportunity to laugh and sing and dance and be crazy for His Glory--
I praise God that I get to be steeped in His Presence in the middle of a whole bunch of kids--
I praise God that I get to see my own children experience His Grace and share His Love with their friends--
I praise God that we are never too old to hear the old, old Story in new and wonderful ways!

Tomorrow night is pajama night!  Oh Yeah!

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