Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chin up! Wesley Foundation E-Letter (Methodist Campus Ministry)

Hey there!


It’s gorgeous outside—Yay!!!!!!!!!  Tomorrow night we meet for free food at 6:30 and then we will have a mystery night!  It will be cool!  God is good!  Hope everyone got the message about Friday.  Free lunch at noon at the Wesley Foundation.  Come and share the way you see God moving in this ministry.  It will be fun!


Now For Sami’s Ramblings About Jesus:


Every now and then I discover buried treasure.  God seems to surprise me with words spoken for “just a time as this.”  This morning in my quiet time, such a thing happened.  I was in my office in that quiet, holy space, sensing the presence of the Lord, when I noticed a book on my shelf.  It is one that I have not even looked at in years, certainly not in the time since I have been campus minister here.  I opened it up and read a piece, certainly not impressed, but then by chance turned to the cover.  Inside its front page was a hand-written note to the previous owner:




Dear Lou Ann—


Paul said “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness . . .  For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses . . . for when I am weak then I am strong.” (II Cor. 12:9,10)  That’s a Mystery that each of us discovers in his own way.  God grant you faith to experience the real meaning of strength during this time when you must feel overwhelmed with weakness.  Chin up!  God loves you!




Now I have no idea what the context of the message to Lou Ann was.  In 1975 I was three years old.  But I love the message.  I love the chipper quality in which it is given:  “Chin up! God loves you!”  I can only guess at the weakness that the recipient was struggling to overcome, the circumstances that caused it.  But I love the response to that circumstance that God delivers.  It is full of hope.  Instead of crawling into the pit too and somberly wondering how it will all get better, this comforter brings a bit of joy and humor to her words of encouragement.  That indeed whatever lies within, and certainly what lies ahead, is nothing that is able to steal the joy that is our birthright in the Lord.  In fact, the message is that in the place of our most poignant weakness God is getting ready to do His biggest work.  Well that’ll preach.


I want to encourage you today, my dear ones.  God is getting ready to do His biggest work in your life.  Just watch and see.  Chin up!  So that your eyes may be facing Him, ready to see His hand revealed.  Not focused on the pit you are in, downward cast so as to miss His hand of might and mercy at work.  Chin up!  God loves you!  And I do too—






Sami Wilson

Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation

United Methodist Campus Ministry



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