Monday, April 14, 2008

Be the Hope that you are!--Wesley Foundation E-Letter (Methodist Campus Ministry)


Dear Friends,


Hope all is well with everyone.  It wasn’t until this morning that I realized last week’s e-letter did not go out.  My computer has been doing crazy stuff.  Sorry about that; you were supposed to get this last Thursday.


IMPORTANT!!!!  The deadline for turning in scholarship applications is tomorrow.  Remember to turn in the University Form to Potter, room 317, labeled Wesley Foundation Leadership Scholarship.  The essay and reference letter can be turned in to the Wesley Foundation. 


Now For Sami’s Ramblings About Jesus:


I am so proud to be a Hilltopper!  It thrills me that WKU won the ONE campaign!  It is a movement to raise awareness and fight poverty world wide.  Of all of those Universities in the country that participated, we won!!!!!  Oh Wow!!!!!  Can you tell I’m excited?  I remember talking to my friend Azurdee one day early in the semester and her telling me that she just jokingly made the comment to the ONE campaign students that they could make signs out of cardboard they found in the trash.  Well, they did it.  And with creativity and passion they began to spread the word that fighting poverty is really something everyone can take part in.  It’s not rocket science.  It’s doable.  It just takes some effort.  I have never been so proud to be a Hilltopper.  Those college students--who never backed down, never gave up, and never let their own lack of resources get to them—inspire me.


This past week I have been looking at my journals, walking back through time to those early days in our ministry when I felt so overwhelmed by the needs and so underwhelmed by my own ability to meet those needs.  I couldn’t see then how I could possibly be enough to take this ministry to the place it needed to go.  I kept begging God to give me a leader to follow.  And He kept answering my imploring with silence, as if to say, “You can beg Me all You want, but You won’t change my mind about the leader I want in this place.”  And so I had to suck it up and become the leader He wanted here.  I’m more confident now.  Not so much in my own abilities, but in the One who called me to this place and set a thunderous passion in my heart to reach college students with the love of Jesus.  Somehow, He made it happen.  I have never been more excited to be a part of this ministry.  Oh we are going to some exciting places.


And so I want to encourage each of you with the Hope of Jesus Christ.  Hear this:  He has set His hope on you!  You may be called to, invited to, set your hope on Him, but He has already set His hope on you.  You are the one He has called to perform those “good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life” (Ephesians 2:10).  You may be like I was, so down on yourself that you can’t see up, but that does not change His mind about who you are and what He has in mind for you to accomplish.  It is for you specifically, personally.  No one else can bring it to pass.  He has set His hope on you!  While you may be waiting on Him do something awesome, He in fact has already been waiting on you to step up and be the Hope He made you to be!  Wow!  We think we wait on Him, when in fact He really has been waiting on us!  It blows me away.  Especially when I see each of you up close and personal.  When I get to be a witness to your lives.  It’s like I can see the Hope of who you are super-imposed upon the life you are living now.  And it is the coolest thing when the two become one.  When you get it.  And you begin to live the hope you were always meant to be.  It just blows me away.


Let me leave you with a word from Scripture:  “So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.  So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith” (Galatians 6:9).  Thank you ONE kids, for being the inspiration that reminds me of how BIG my God is.  Thank you for showing me that all it takes is our willingness.  And thank you Wesley kids, for being the Hope of Christ to me, His Hope made flesh.  You inspire me to gratitude.  God is so good.  So this is me . . .







Sami Wilson

Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation

United Methodist Campus Ministry



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