Thursday, April 03, 2008

Vote for WKU students in ONE campaign

Dear Friends,


The WKU ONE chapter has done some amazing things to help stop world poverty.  It is quite a testament to what ordinary people can do when they have passion and vision, determination and commitment.  Because of their example, I am so proud to be a Western Alumni and a campus minister here.  It is awesome to see young people stepping up in such a powerful way.  Currently WKU is ranked fourth in the nation for their efforts.  Check out what these regular students have been doing to fight extreme poverty and then vote for them as a way to encourage their efforts.  You can help them to reach first place.  Simply go to the web-site to help these WKU students make an even bigger difference.  And be encouraged by their story.  Every single person has an important contribution to make.  See theirs and be inspired to make yours.






Sami Wilson

Campus Minister/Director

WKU Wesley Foundation

United Methodist Campus Ministry



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